Sharetown’s Reprise® Platform

Our proprietary tech-suite is the foundation that enables us to provide eco-conscious brands who carry oversized products with high-quality and efficient returns management in an innovative, sustainable, and cost-saving manner.

Two Easy Integration Options

Online Portal

Allow your team members to utilize our intuitive out-of-the-box web portal, customized with your branding and aesthetic in mind.


Automate your return process with our easy-to-integrate API and enable your team members to process returns from within your existing systems in as little as one-click.

Speedy Dispatching

After receiving your submission; our platform performs a series of advanced calculations, quickly connecting your request with the nearest and best Rep to complete the pickup.

Sharetown Mobile for Reps

The key component that fuels efficient returns management.

Instant Notifications

Our Reps are instantly notified via our mobile app when they receive a new pickup request.

Status Updates

After completing a pickup, our Reps update the status of the request as “complete” and upload a proof of pickup receipt.

Automated Updates

Completed Pickups

Accelerate efficiency and speed up refunds by receiving automated real-time updates when your pickup has been completed via easy-to-integrate webhooks.